Transformational impact is our mission

Solon addresses crises of global significance by sustainably scaling inclusive, community-centric impact across West Africa and beyond.

With a focus on Climate & Community, we are able to drive measurable, meaningful impact in progressing nine of the Sustainable Development Goals (“SDGs”).

As a member of the Global Impact Investor Network and a signatory to the Principles for Responsible Investment, we are committed to global best practices for impact measurement and management and firmly believe in the need for full transparency regarding our results. 

To date, our focus in Nature Based Solutions has included working hand-in-hand with local communities to preserve, restore, and sustainably manage coastal ecosystems across West and Central Africa, financed through the issuance of high-quality carbon credits. In Education & Sport, we have worked to improve learning outcomes in K-12 education, especially for girls, reaching nearly 300,000 students and 1,000 schools, while also advancing youth character development and peacebuilding through sport. With Sustainable Communities, we seek to ensure that where we live, how we live, and how we move through our communities is done sustainably, with a primary focus on green housing and construction and sustainable transportation services.

Taken together, by operating at the intersection of people and planet we aspire to make our communities more sustainable, stable and economically vibrant; to meaningfully contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation; and to protect and regenerate our remaining wild spaces and the biodiversity within them.

— Nature Based Solutions
— Education & Sport
— Sustainable Communities


14. Life Below Water

15. Life on Land

4. Quality Education

1. No Poverty

8. Decent Work & Economic Growth

5. Gender Equality

13. Climate Action

9. Industry, Innovation & Infrastructure

17. Partnerships for the Goals

Watch to learn more about how Flash Vehicles operates to make a positive impact in its communities during times of crisis.

Meet Rori, the award-winning, AI-powered chatbot tutor developed by Rising Academies, transforming after-school math learning for the children that need it most.

Learn how West Africa Blue is partnering with Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities to protect, restore and sustainably manage mangrove forests across West and Central Africa, financed through the sale of high-integrity Blue Carbon credits.


Private sector participation, sustainably delivered, is urgently needed if we are to overcome the challenges we face in the time we have left.

We all have a role to play. Local communities and governments, NGOs and donor agencies, capital markets and private enterprise. All of us have a stake in our shared future – and so a shared responsibility to contribute towards that future. At Solon, our mission is to determinedly play our part to ensure that future’s a brighter one for us and our planet.